Reflections Along the Jesus Way

August 10, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“I will always remember having lunch with the late D. James Kennedy near his offices in Fort Lauderdale, Florida (I am writing the original draft of these words on the day he died, September 5, 2007). Dr. Kennedy was the founding pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale and the voice of Coral Ridge Ministries.

Jim related – over lunch… an old joke I had heard before but never tire of, nor it seems, did he.  As we discussed legalisms that thrive within Christendom, he could hardly contain his delight as he asked, ‘Do you know why some Christians are against fornication?’  I paused and allowed the punch line to build, saying nothing.  His face erupted in a riot of glee, as he enthusiastically answered his own question, ‘Because they think that it might lead to dancing!’” 

Originally published in:

Unplugging from Religion – Connecting With God


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