Reflections Along the Jesus Way

August 20, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“The human tendency is to reserve ‘heaven’ for those who think like us, go to the same church, synagogue, temple or mosque – and while the New Testament speaks of Christ-followers being with God forever, it does not do so in an exclusive way. We have no specific indications about who exactly is ‘in’ and what exactly is required of those who will be ‘in’ heaven.  We do know that we’re called to trust and believe in Jesus, and to embrace the grace of God.  But no lists are provided so that we might identify those who are ‘lost’, as much as some Christians seem to desire to identify others as ‘lost’.  I suggest we leave such matters for God, for whether we leave them to him or not, they belong to him, and they are completely outside of our pay grade to determine.”

Christianity Without the Religion magazine, April 2018


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