Reflections Along the Jesus Way

August 27, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“Memories of hurts and pains inflicted on us by others haunt and torment us, and cause all kinds of emotions – guilt, shame, resentment and hatred.  Looking back on our lives, hurts litter our journey like discarded trash on the side of some lonesome road.  As painful as our memories of being hurt are, they can fester and grow into resentment and hatred of those who either hurts us or had some part in our pain… in all the stories of revenge and vindication, individuals who experience life without giving or receiving forgiveness live in an emotional and spiritual prison cell.  They are slaves to their guilt, shame and desire for retribution.  An unforgiving spirit poisons every relationship we have, as well as every part of our life.  It’s been said that holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” 

Christianity Without the Religion magazine, June 2017


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