Reflections Along the Jesus Way

August 29, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“… in this computer age you can go through the day without ever getting up close and personal with a ‘real, live’ human being.  You can watch television, you can listen to the radio, follow the news and pay your bills on our computer.  Cell phones not only enable you to call others but to receive calls, text message others, send email messages, listen to music, as well as a host of other functions.

Have you ever wondered why some television shows are so appealing – you know, the ones that depict people walking into a diner, a bar, a pub, a small shop, or a Starbucks – places where people know each other by name?

We all have a yearning to be connected.  We desire to have a place where we can know and be known.  And this kind of desire for communion is not simply a desire on a physical level, but it goes much deeper.  We desire to connect with God, we desire to know him and to be known by him.  He has created us with a desire for connectivity, wanting to plug into him, if you like.  He has created us that way because he really likes us.  His love is personal and intimate, not detached, stilted and distant.  His love is passionate and powerful, more so than we can ever begin to imagine.” 

Originally published in:

Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul, Volume 1


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