Reflections Along the Jesus Way
October 29, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“There are those, as you know, who say that the Jews deserved the Holocaust. I absolutely reject that insane notion. There are also those who say that billions of people will be slow roasted, for all eternity, tortured in hell, condemned by God because they didn’t measure up to his standards. I absolutely reject that notion as the epitome of un-grace. Preachers fulminate about those who will get eternal torture (what they deserve) because they weren’t baptized with the right amount of water at the right age by the right religious authority using the right religious creed. Many will suffer eternal torment, according to some religious authorities, because they never said the Sinner’s Prayer, because they weren’t confirmed, because they never gave their heart to the Lord, because they didn’t accept an invitation to join a church, because they don’t pay tithes… or whatever. While I believe in judgment, I reject the idea of a God of wrath and vengeance exacting eternal torture on those who failed to perform at a high enough religious standard, or, beyond that, exacting eternal torture on those who never seemingly even had a chance to know God.”
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