CWR Blog

Christianity Without The Religion BLOG hosted by Brad Jersak.

Romans 3:23

All is Forgiven – Love, Papa

"To err is human, to forgive is divine." Divine forgiveness, illustrated in the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, involves no bookkeeping.

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The Widow’s Offering

Greg illustrates how easy it is to misunderstand and abuse the teaching available to us in the Bible - and confesses to doing so himself.

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Breakfast with Brad – Hot Chocolate and God’s Love

Breakfast with Brad - In which Eden has hot chocolate in Germany's winter wonderland, while Brad goes on a rant about God's supposedly wishy-washy Love. We hope that our articles and resources bring comfort, hope, encouragement, and healing to our readers. If you’re experiencing that, please subscribe freely, share freely, and, if you’re able, please consider donating freely toward paying it forward by clicking the blue giving at the top of your screen.

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Q&R with Greg Albrecht – “How does a pastor preach to *perfect* people?”

Question: I am a pastor and have long thought that the way we Christians present our doctrines and ideas leaves much to be desired. How do I, as a pastor, handle well-meaning people who have it all wrong? For example, our denomination considers it important to live a holy life, not to earn salvation, but out of gratitude. Many of our members have misconstrued that to mean we must be perfect like Jesus in order to “stay saved” or we can't call ourselves Christians. I've actually heard some of them say they no longer sin. Our official doctrine makes perfection a goal to ...

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Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 8, 2025 - Quote for the Day: “Many markets and outlets within Christendom are consumer-driven – they will give us what we want.  They have done the studies.  They are well aware of demographics and psychographics.  Religious marketing experts know all about you.  They know your preferences, your likes and dislikes.  They also know what you would enjoy if you could afford it or if you had the time. Religious corporations and institutions have done their homework about felt needs, as well.  They know that humans want ...

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Franchised Religion – Jim Fowler

I had always dreamed of owning a business of my own. A friend had advised that a franchise outlet of an existing chain with its developed support network was a wise business choice. Therefore, I was most interested in the advertisement which read:  “Franchises available—Sound business opportunity.  International corporation. Open one in your community. Call 1-800...” I made the call and agreed to visit one of their successful franchises. They had a unique marketing strategy encouraging people to “Look for the Golden Crosses.” Each establishment had a large ...

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Blowing in the Wind

It's the title of a famous folk song, but more importantly the wind is a metaphor describing the work of God. Join Greg as he explains John 3:8.

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